
What is the difference between Studio and Indie Licenses?


- For high-budget productions and teams

- Custom seats

- Multi-host application: this license can be used with any software that runs Dehancer

- 24/7 dedicated support

- Baselight and render assist coming soon


- For individuals and small teams

- 2 seats

- Single-host application: this license can only be used with the specific purchased host. For example, if you bought it for DaVinci Resolve, it will only work with DaVinci Resolve

How do I activate and manage my Studio License?

Studio license activation and management is performed in the User Profile. The seat can be deactivated from within the application itself by clicking "Deactivate" in the Profile Activator. There is a "Deactivate all seats" button in the User profile for the license. It does exactly what it says. 

We are working on the ability to selectively deactivate seats remotely.

How do I request an invoice?

If payment is made online by bank card - an invoice generation button will appear in your personal account.

If payment is made by bank transfer - you can request an invoice through the or by contacting your personal manager.

Can I change the details in my invoice?

Yes, you can. For licenses paid by card, you need to regenerate the invoice in your personal account, filling in the new details. For licenses paid by bank transfer, you need to .

What happens if I cancel my subscription?

If you cancel your subscription, the payment for it will not be refunded, but you will be able to use it until the end of its validity period. After that, it will not renew automatically.