Mobile Application

Are you planning to release an Android version of the app?

At the moment all our efforts are in the improvement and development of the iOS app. Once it’s done, we will consider expanding to Android.

Could you please add a 60fps export option to your iOS app?

This and other advanced video features will be improved in the future updates.

How can I change the language inside the Dehancer iOS app?

The language is set automatically based on your iOS language. Alternatively, you can got to System Preferences -> Dehancer app and select the desired language.

Will camera profiles be released for the iOS app?

Over 130 Camera Profiles are available in the Source tab for Log video interpretation, including Apple ProRes Log and Filmic Pro Log support.

Can I use the files captured in f-log in an iOS app?

Yes, the Fujifilm F-log format is supported and available in the Source tab dropdown list of camera Log profiles.

The license for Dehancer Photo/Video app iOS is purchased through the AppStore. 

Therefore, the activation of the application occurs automatically after purchase.

Image display is different in the application and after export.

We are aware of this issue. A fix update will be released soon.

"Failed Export" error.

The developers are working on a fix for this issue.

Are there any plans for Dehancer on iOS to allow users to select videos from the Files?

We are expecting this feature in the future updates someday.