Light Mode OFF

In lens design vignetting is usually considered a flaw. However, it is also a proven creative tool that allows for better focusing on a subject and adds extra depth. Also, in digital processing vignette with positive exposure values can be used to compensate for unwanted vignetting.


Negative Exposure values result in dark vignette while positive values, respectively, produce the light vignette.


This setting defines a size of the vignetting circle.


Feather controls the amount of blur applied to the vignette circle.

Aspect Ratio

This parameter affects the proportions of the vignette, allowing to make it elliptical (in both the X and Y directions).

Center [video plugins only]

These fields specify the X and Y offset of a vignette relative to the center of a frame in the range of -1 to +1 (from one edge to the other where 0 represents the center).

💡 Dehancer OFX Plugin: To move the vignette interactively across the frame use the OpenFX Overlay cursor (notice the dropdown icon located at the bottom left of the Viewer window)

💡 Although the Vignette tool is located at the very bottom of the Dehancer settings, we recommend to adjust it at the beginning of color grading since it affects the exposure and usually increases contrast between the edges and a frame center, thus requiring additional adjustments of the exposure and contrast.