Film Developer
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Featured in: Dehancer Pro

The conventional analogue approach makes it possible to process film by individually configuring the formula of the developer solution and the development process. Film Developer tool allows to make your own development recipe depending on the source material, shooting conditions and creative tasks.

1. Contrast Boost

This parameter controls the developer contrast. In analogue processes, development contrast is determined by developer temperature and concentration. In Dehancer this parameter can take both positive values (contrast increases) and negative values (contrast decreases).

2. Gamma Correction

In film processing gamma correction controls the contrast ratio of a negative, in relation to the exposure time. This parameter determines how much the midtones are shifted towards shadows or highlights. Gamma correction is possible with any Contrast Boost value other than zero.

3. Color Separation

The color separation of the negative film is determined by the color filters in the emulsion layers, the sensitisation of each layer and their order. In Dehancer you can control the ‘chemical component’ of the developer, which affects the sensitisation of the emulsion layers.

When Color Separation value is reduced, saturation of the most intense colors is reduced first, while medium and low saturation colors remain almost unaffected. By default, the Color Separation setting has a maximum value of +100. It affects the image at any Contrast Boost value other than zero.

4. Color Boost

Some color development processes allow saturation to be controlled by the properties of the dyes that are introduced into the emulsion at the development stage. In Dehancer, this feature is implemented in the Color Boost parameter, which increases or decreases the overall saturation of the image (not only the most saturated colors, as with Color Separation).

This type of color enhancement is gentle and does not lead to clipping, i.e. all colors remain inside the color gamut.

5. Practical tasks that can be solved with Film Developer

  • Grading a source with an unknown gamma, contrast and color, for example, a Flat or Log video footage from an unknown camera.
  • Working with a non-standardised videos, for example, the D-Cinelike that looks different on different DJI drones, depending on the specific camera and exposure conditions.
  • Dealing with a camera that doesn’t have a dedicated profile in Dehancer.
  • Making additional adjustments to the interpretation of the source material.
  • Adjusting the excessive or insufficient contrast, which you want to normalise and make more flexible for further processing.
  • Increasing the overall saturation, while avoiding oversaturation and color clipping where possible. Related articl

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