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Kodak Vision3 50D

Vendor: Eastman Kodak Company

Emulsion: Color

Type: Negative

Balanced For: Daylight

Process: ECN-2

ISO: 50

Formats: 65 mm, 35 mm, 16 mm, Super 8

In Production: 2007-present


Today, Kodak is the only company in the world that produces color motion picture film. The Kodak Vision negative film product line has 3 generations, which were produced in different times:

  • Kodak Vision Color Negative (1996-2002)
  • Kodak Vision2 Color Negative (2002-2007)
  • Kodak Vision3 Color Negative (2007-present)

Modern motion picture negative film is produced in four versions, which are balanced for different lighting, differ in sensitivity, contrast, grain, color rendering features and, accordingly, their purpose:

  • Kodak Vision3 50D
  • Kodak Vision3 200T
  • Kodak Vision3 250D
  • Kodak Vision3 500T

The differences between these films are described in detail in our article 'Modern motion picture negative films' .

Kodak Vision3 50D film is designed for sunny weather, when shooting during the day or with a slight bias toward morning/evening (but not for sunsets or sunrises). It is sometimes called “classic film for western movies”. In direct sun, the scene is characterized by relatively high contrast - objects are brightly lit and shadows are deep. Accordingly, in order to avoid blowouts or blocked shadows, this film has a relatively low contrast.


Example of Kodak Vision3 50D film usage from official Kodak materials.

© Kodak

Imitation Examples

Examples of Kodak Vision3 50D film emulation in Dehancer.

© «Black Flowers» short film Director: Stefania Dall'Armi DoP: Andrei Solomon Colorist: Rayner Fernandes

© «FKB - Color Blind» music video DoP: Ethan Johnson
Color: Cameron McCutcheon