Vendor: Kodak, USA
Emulsion: Color
Type: Negative
Balanced For: Daylight
Process: C-41
ISO: 800
Formats: 35 mm, Type 120/220
In Production: 2021-present
Kodak Portra 800 is a professional color negative film designed for shooting in challenging or low-light conditions.
This film was first announced by Kodak in 1998 and has evolved since then. In 2006 it was improved and got a finer grain, from 2021 the emulsion is based on Ektar, one of the most advanced films according to Kodak.
Kodak Portra 800 has high sensitivity and can be exposed up to ISO 1600. It is characterized by a relatively fine grain for this sensitivity, natural color reproduction and accurate rendering of skin tones.
Compared to other films in the Portra 160 and Portra 400 range, Portra 800 has higher saturation. However, contrast and optical resolution are quite similar.
Examples of photographs taken on Kodak Portra 800.

© Anton Novoselov

@Xandr Keenosh
Imitation Examples
Examples of Kodak Color Portra 800 emulation in Dehancer.

© Screen grabs from the “YAŞLI AMCA - DİK DİK” music video. Color graded by Emre Karagöz

© Stills from an upcoming music video shot for AJ Peoples. Directed and color graded by Min Soo Park

© Screen grabs from “Картечь — Быстрые Свидания” music video. Color graded by Kirill Matveev