Vendor: Kodak, USA
Emulsion: Color
Type: Negative
Balanced For: Daylight
Process: C-41
ISO: 160
Formats: 35 mm, Type 120, 4x5”, 5x7”, 5x10”
In Production: 2011-present
Kodak Portra 160 is a professional color negative film designed for shooting portraits in sunny weather or indoors with flash or continuous lighting. It can also be used as a versatile film for all kinds of subjects under appropriate lighting conditions.
Portra films were first introduced by Kodak in 1998. They are the successors to the Vericolor family of films, which in turn replaced the Ektacolor.
At the beginning of 2011 Kodak released a new version of Portra 160 to replace two previous films - the more saturated Portra 160VC (Vivid Color) and the less saturated Portra 160NC (Neutral Color). The characteristics of the Portra 160 are closer to the Portra 160NC, with relatively neutral saturation and a natural color reproduction.
The new Portra 400 incorporates a number of technological advances from the Kodak Vision line of professional motion picture films - including finer grain, higher sharpness and improved skin tones.
Examples of photographs taken on Kodak Portra 160.

© Alexandr Naumenko

@Denis Tkachenko
Imitation Examples
Examples of Kodak Color Portra 160 emulation in Dehancer.

© Screen grabs from the «Dons Lauzto šķēpu karaļvalsts» project. Color graded by Ritvars Bluka